

Hunt is an exhilarating activity within Pixer Eternity where users embark on adventures to uncover hidden treasures scattered across the globe. By expending calories during their quests, users have the opportunity to discover treasures and stones, earning PXT or PLP as rewards.

[Treasure] These are valuable items concealed in various locations worldwide. Users can locate treasures and earn PXT/PLP by clicking on them and viewing sponsored advertisements.

[Stone] Stones are hidden within the user's vicinity. Users can spot and click on nearby stones to earn PLP.



  • Advertisers can fix treasures to desired locations and advertise them to users.

  • They purchase PXT to make payments for advertising.

  • When users find the advertised treasure and view the advertisement, they earn a certain amount of PXT/PLP.


  • Users travel to various locations worldwide to find treasures and stones.

  • They can check for treasures and stones within a specific radius around their current location.

  • To acquire treasures and stones, users must move close to them within close proximity. After approaching, users click on treasures and stones to collect them. Users must view and click on advertisements to earn rewards when prompted.

  • Users can collect treasures and stones a certain number of times each day.



  • Each treasure holds a specific amount of PLP/PXT.

  • Users can spot treasures within a certain radius from their current location.

  • To acquire treasures, users must approach them within close proximity, click on them, view advertisements, and then earn PXT/PLP.


  • Each stone holds a specific amount of PLP.

  • Users can spot stones within a certain radius from their current location.

  • To acquire stones, users must approach them within close proximity and click on them to earn PLP.

NFT Integration

Holding NFTs enhances users' abilities to spot treasures and stones from a greater distance, based on the attributes of the NFTs. NFTs also improve users' proximity to treasures and stones, allowing them to acquire rewards from a closer range.

Further details on NFT integration with treasure hunting will be revealed in the future.

Last updated